Cristiana Vitartali
/ Italy

Uscire dal cerchio, 2017
ceramica a colombino e smaltatura a lustro
/ columbine ceramics and lustre glazing
cm 65 × 105 d
Cristiana Vitartali was born in Borgo San Lorenzo, Florence,
in 1962. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence
and is deeply influenced by reading authors such as Freud,
Jung, Hillman, Lowen, Hahnemann and the Holy scriptures.
She works in interior design and visual arts, and creates
ceramic sculptures and jewellery with a focus on physical and
spiritual wellbeing and the energy of our living spaces.
Vitartali’s continuous artistic development is a path of vital
emancipation. The figure of the horn, often made using the
ancient columbine technique and painted with enamel, recurs
in her work: an archetypal figure representing elevation,
metaphysical upward tension and the interruption of the
circularity of existential loops. Hence the formula Uscire dal
cerchio (Exit the circle), that she uses as a key to unlock the
kind of spiritual experience she imagines she is helping to
bring about by placing her works in habitats.