Mariano Silletti
/ Italy

Lapsus terræ, 2019 — 2021
stampa fotografica fine art
su carta Hahnemühle
/ fine art photo print
on Hahnemühle paper
3 elementi / 3 elements cm 40 × 60,
Mariano Silletti was born in Pisticci in 1972. He has been active
as a photographer since 2013. He lives and works in Matera. He
has won several competitions, including World report award /
Short story, Moscow international photo award, Italy photo series,
Leica talent Italy and World report award / World Italy. His
work has been exhibited in several solo and group exhibitions
around the world, including Belgium, China, United States
and Russia. In 2020 Porta Coeli Foundation hosted his first
anthological solo exhibition, Postille su Demikhov. He is a
member of InQuadra, a collective that promotes contemporary
photography in Italy.
Lapsus terræ is an expression of his passion for investigating
identities intertwined with territorial events: in 1688 a serious
landslide killed four hundred people and wiped out a large
portion of Pisticci, his home town. This catastrophic event
became the cementing and founding moment of the Pisticci
community. In this work, Silletti recounts the fragile link
between lives, territories and objects, in a dimension of popular,
peasant, but at the same time noble and mystical storytelling
that flows into myth.