/ Italy

Monteserico #2, 2012

Monteserico #2, 2012
inkjet printing on Hahnemühle Baryta Satin 300 gsm paper
cm 85 × 53

mention / unpli for art in the territory

Echoes of Ghirri, of Fontana, of Cresci, from which the sense of an unresolved conflict with and within the territory leaks out. Photographs that testify to a profound relationship, empathetic and speculative, with a landscape traversed in a vigilant and questioning manner. Artistic practice, through the search for an aesthetic key populated with reminiscences and patterns, is a search for meaning there where everything appears obsolete. 

Alessandro Calvi is a journalist who covers politics, rights, and organized crime. He writes for Internazionale. In 2013 he published Hanno ammazzato Montesquieu! (They killed Montesquieu!) on the crisis of parliamentary democracy (Castelvecchi); in 2015 Paracarri. Cronache da un’Italia che nessunoracconta, a collection of literary investigations and reportage (Rubbettino). As a photographer, he publishes his work in the periodical press and has exhibited at festivals and exhibitions of international renown. He remains, therefore, intimately a reporter, whether he writes or photographs, seeking in the literary or artistic form a sense of truth that is as poetic as it is interwoven with the traumas and contradictions of reality, especially those we are not yet able to read as such. The photographs of Map3 are the result of his many business trips to Basilicata: «I always brought my camera with me, convinced that these landscapes lent themselves to being told very well with images, being made of voids and wind rather than concrete matter». Echoes of Ghirri, Fontana and Cresci, from which the sense of an unresolved conflict with and within the territory and landscape seeps out.