ARTICLE 1. Introduction and purpose
Mediterranean art prize is the biennial prize conceived by Porta Cœli Foundation with the aim of producing systematic solicitations in the art of the present time. Map3 intends to set the context to build fruitful relationships with those territorial and social specificities that make Italy a place rich in those experientialities that are essential for contemporary artistic creation. For Porta Cœli Foundation, the prize is also a very important occasion of investigation and relationship with international artistic contexts, even among the most remote and unprecedented ones: each edition is a dizzying and irreplaceable enrichment of the possibilities of acting in the contemporary, both for the Foundation and the artists who participate in it, as well as for the territory and for the international partners involved.

Mediterranean art prize is proposed as the first international biennial event in Basilicata. It is itinerant in places of high value
and declined in geographic contexts historically vocated to cultural integration, in a barycentric area in the Mediterranean
where dominations, encounters and clashes between peoples have produced an extraordinary mixture that emerges and reveals
itself in urban forms, in the lexicon, in gastronomy, until inside the social and symbolic structures employed by populations to
produce a mental image of the world. The Mediterranean thus becomes the conceptual representation of a frontier that is not
a line but a space, not the site of an affront between opposing voices but the site of a plural conversation, a space on which
peoples look out in search of mutual osmotic relationships, of projection and aspiration. This is the image that inspires
Mediterranean art prize.

The founding thought of the prize is thus the multicultural and syncretic conception of Frederick II of Swabia, who left
numerous castles and territorial garrisons in Basilicata and who governed his empire from here through the promulgation of the
Constitutions of Melfi (Potenza), the most significant of the law codes in the Middle Ages. Nicknamed Stupor mundi (Wonder
of the World), the Emperor had intuited and promoted the concept of the universality of human knowledge, and was the
spiritual father of a different idea of Europe, with its center in the Mediterranean, which found high self-representation in an
architecture capable of fusing the Arab and northern European worlds, Romanesque consistency with the dematerialization of
Byzantine mosaics. 
In accordance with the statutory provisions of Porta Cœli Foundation, the body that conceived, organized and curated the
award, the event is neither direct nor indirect profitmaking. The events of the prize are all free admission, and the Foundation promotes the widest dissemination and usability of the planned exhibitions, seminars, workshops and performances,
with a view to the widest return to public enjoyment of the culture and architectural and landscape heritage involved.

ARTICLE 2. Monteserico Castle and Alto Bradano region: the context of the third issue
In 2019 Mediterranean art prize chose as the programmatic context of its first edition a masterpiece of Frederician
architecture: the Castle of Lagopesole (Potenza). For its second edition, in 2021, the prize moved to another castle of NormanSwabian ancestry: the Castle of Monteserico, in the territory of Genzano di Lucania (Potenza — Italy), confirmed as the
central location for the third edition of the prize, in a territorial context changed, however, by the strategic alliance of the municipalities of Genzano di Lucania, Palazzo San Gervasio and Banzi (in the geographical region of Alto Bradano, in Basilicata), which have formed a cultural district devoted to the contemporary thanks to the strategic networking of their cultural principals: places of residence, d’Errico Art Gallery, Civic Gallery in constitution and, indeed, Monteserico Castle devoted to actions of high symbolic value.

The manor of Monteserico stands a short distance from the battlefield where the Normans and Byzantines clashed, the focal
point of an extraordinary parabola that from Robert Guiscard (buried in nearby Venosa, Potenza, in the vicinity of his grandiose
unfinished temple) led to the conquest of Sicily and the creation of artistic languages that connected Byzantine mosaic art,
Norman warlike might, Romanesque sense of the sacred, and Arab architectural technology and stylistic features (ogival arches,
muqarnas, wind towers, etc.): a sampling of proto-engineering forms and solutions fundamental to the art of the whole of
Europe over the next three or four centuries The Castle of Monteserico, in its simple and incisive form of a square-based keep surrounded by walls, is documented as early as Norman times. It dominates from a small rise an extraordinarily evocative landscape, gently and mysteriously undulating with fields of wheat and dotted with the traces of the Agrarian Reform that in the 1950s tried, unsuccessfully, to alter the magnetic and solitary vocation of the place with the irruption of modernity and the creation of housing settlements now abandoned. It consists of 36 thousand hectares of wheat-growing land, currently devoid of human presence for miles, on which insist the ruins of rural housing settlements that never really took root: an environment of looming and unexpected vacuity that vibrates toward the desert dimension, a kind of huge canvas of potential on which to still write unprecedented models of relationships based on art and culture.

The activities carried out by Porta Cœli Foundation in these difficult years have often ensured that the castle has been reconverted in an unprecedented way to the conviviality of the human through cultural events that returned the monument to a function and
usability after its conservative restoration in 2012. They include, in addition to the second edition of the prize itself (2021), the
major exhibitions To the mountain of silk. Donato Linzalata and the Painters of Myth (September 2022) and Be-longing, Italy-Egypt
Symposium (October 2022, then exported to Cairo in the following month), all events conceived as pivot points of a cultural discourse focused on territories. The third edition of the prize (Map3) aims once again to be an operation that, thanks to the participation of artists and users, brings back to the center of attention and relations a place of unusual energy that has inexplicably ended up on the margins of civil and cultural life.
Basilicata is the vocational context for the prize: a land that from the archaeologists of the eighteenth century, to the travelers of
the nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century through the investigations of the greatest photographers,
architects and anthropologists of modernity, has always been identified as a pocket of an otherness that, for the cultural
elaboration at the present time, becomes even more useful and rare material, of radical importance for the construction
of an artistic experience that grasps with responsibility and historical awareness an opportunity for reflection also on behalf
of that part of society that, caged in the systems of production and consumption in the global context, often experiences an
impoverishment of the quality of its intellectual and spiritual life.

ARTICLE 3. Re—form: the theme of the third edition
The third edition of Mediterranean art prize (Map3) with the exhibition of the finalist works, in an effort to evoke the
success and cultural reach of its first two editions, will take place from Aug. 05 to 13, 2023. 

After the themes of the first edition (Thinking Mediterranean) and the third edition (Common ground), the third edition too
is equipped in a motto, a trace, a polar point that offers the possibility of reading events through a shared filter without
claiming to determine or direct them. The theme of the third edition is Re—form: in a place such as the territory of Monteserico Castle, strongly connoted by emptiness rather than fullness, by absences rather than presences, by potentialities rather than acts, the insistence of the abandoned, prematurely obsolescent traces of the agrarian “Re—form” remind us how, in today’s times, it is no longer possible to decree and determine once and for all the forms of life and human relations and their relationship with territories from a predetermined image of them. Rather, inhabiting a place, as well as making art, is a complex, necessarily participatory and negotiated processuality, in which form is only the unstable and precarious, inherently impermanent result of a flux that it is possible and necessary to govern, but that it is counterproductive to predetermine or force. In this sense, theories of living at the turn of the twentieth century followed extraordinarily closely artistic theories that speak of performativity, of relationality, of open and indeterminate forms in place of an art of contemplation, whose essential end was the determination of a monumental form, as stable and imperturbable assertiveness. 
Through the choice of this thematic track – in no way prescriptive of participation proposals, which are hoped instead to be
as free and open as possible – Map3 intends to pursue the suggestions of an ongoing discourse about and with territories,
with their symbolic and metaphorical valences and their role in the necessary re-shaping of contemporary living. We believe that
the fruitful indeterminacy of a place that questions us by its own powerful solitude that still vibrates because of the history that has
passed through it is an unmissable experience for artists of the present time.

ARTICLE 4. Modalities of participation
Application for Mediterranean art prize is open to all female and male artists, regardless of age, gender, nationality or other
qualification. Indeed, it is the prime purpose of the prize to build a plural and inclusive event.
The categories of the prize, in the 2023 edition, are three:
— painting, illustration, chalcographic techniques
— sculpture, installation
— photography, video art, performance
Each artist can participate in the selection phase by filling out the appropriate form prepared on the official website of the award Artists to participate in the selection must prepare:
— fully completed online participation form;
— high-resolution images (at least 2000 px on the long side,
jpg format) of each artwork submitted for the prize. For three-dimensional artworks, the images must show the different
sides of them. For videos, a link to the work published – even in protected mode – on an external hosting (Vimeo,, etc.)
must be provided. If the work is a finalist, the artist must provide the file for the exhibition. Even for videos, however, it is necessary to provide three stills – admitted in lower resolution – or rather at least one scene photo.
The quality of the images must allow a sufficient preliminary examination of the artwork and its eventual publication.
The files submitted should be named as follows: surname_name_ title_progress number image.
Example: Rossi_Maria_Composition_01.jpg
— complete caption of each of candidate artworks to be filled in the fields provided with: full name of the author, eventually
pseudonym, title, year, technique, size, courtesy, if any. Example of a complete and comprehensive caption:
Maria Rossi, Composition 1, 2021, oil on canvas, cm 50 × 40 courtesy of Pietratagliata Civic Museum.
— a short updated artistic curriculum of the artist in textual and non-schematic form, including place and date of birth,
country of origin, telephone number and website, if any, as well as mention of academic or artistic qualifications, the most
important participations in solo or group exhibitions, awards received and most essential publications. In the case of collectives,
it is necessary first to indicate the group’s responsible leader, the personal data of each of them, and group’s curriculum. Maximum
1500 characters, including spaces;
— optionally, a short statement by the artist about the candidate’s works and a small portfolio or both. For the
statement, a maximum of 800 characters, including spaces. The material must be uploaded in pdf format with a file size of not 10
Mb for the portfolio. It must offer the possibility of directing the Jury’s reading of the work in the most appropriate way;
— copy of a valid identity document. For collectives, a document of the lead partner responsible;
— payment of the secretariat fee – simultaneously as sending the application – by PayPal or by bank transfer. In article
10 of this call is specified the amounts and methods of payment.

By applying to the Mediterranean art prize, the artist agrees, without any further claim, to the archiving and publication of the material made available to the Porta Coeli Foundation by any media. The Foundation will use only for communication and
dissemination of its activities beyond the prize dates, without prejudice to the intellectual and material property of the works, which remains with the artist. 
The signing of this announcement and the simultaneous payment of the secretarial fee entitle only to participation in the  selection procedures for the finalist works of Mediterranean art prize 2023. Exclusion does not entitle to reimbursement of
the secretarial fees paid. Instead, all works selected as finalists will be part of the exhibition event that will open on August 5, 2023 at the Monteserico Castle and will be published in a special catalog accompanied by critical texts. 

ARTICLE 5. Awards and jury
Mediterranean art prize will be awarded to the work that, among the finalists that arrived at the exhibition, will be ranked as first overall regardless of the category of participation. Additional prizes will be awarded to the first runners-up in the other categories. The Jury may award mentions or ex-æquo prizes if resulting from equivalence in evaluation.

Award details
Mediterranean art prize 2023 
Prize to the 1st place overall
— € 3,000.00;
— medal and certification of the Jury with the reason for awarding the prize.
Mediterranean art prize 2023
Prize to the 1st classified in each category.
— € 1,000.00;
— medal and certification of the Jury with the motivation for awarding the prize.
The prizes are not cumulative: in fact, winning the first absolute prize is to be considered intrinsically a category victory, which, by entitling the winner to the absolute prize, excludes the awarding of the category prize.
Mediterranean art prize 2023
Prize to the 2nd and 3rd place for each of the categories
— medal and certification by the Jury with the motivation for awarding the prize;
Mediterranean art prize 2023
Prize from the President of Porta Cœli Foundation
— medal and certification by the President with the motivation for awarding the prize.
In fact, the President of Porta Cœli Foundation has the authority to award a special mention to the artist who will have particularly
distinguished himself/herself within the framework of the exhibition for effectiveness in expressing the theme “Re—form.”
Mediterranean art prize
404 Award. Porta Cœli Foundation
Porta Cœli Foundation has the authority to identify one or more nominations for a group or solo exhibition to be included in its
program for contemporary art called 404. The awarding of the prize is subject to the identification of specific reasons for the
relationship between the candidate works and the spatial issues addressed by Porta Cœli Foundation during the years 2023 and
2024. The exhibition is likely to be realized on the Lucanian territory and may possibly be exported to places of interest
belonging to the foundation’s network of international relations. 

International Jury
The International Jury is composed of referenced personalities from the academic and museum world as well as critics and art historians. The Jury may award special prizes offered by the partners. During the group exhibition, the works will be evaluated
by the International Jury who will designate the winners for each of the categories. The decision of the International Jury will be
final and unappealable.

ARTICLE 6.Conditions for selection and admission
The prize is open to any artist, regardless of age, gender, nationality or any other qualification. It is also possible to submit
collective applications, indicating a responsible leader. The artist may also participate in more than one category and is required
to respect every indication set out in article 4 of the present call. Materials received by other means than the one indicated or after
the deadline will not be accepted. The prize secretariat is entitled to ask for additions or clarifications to complete non-compliant
The artist whose artwork is selected as a finalist will receive an e-mail by 10 July 2021 with all the instructions for delivering the
artworks and any additional documentation and fulfilment to be produced. In this case, the artist should not pay any further
participation fee. It is not possible to obtain a refund of the secretariat fee, except in the event of incorrect payment and, in
any case, not after the closing date for entries.
The artistic director of the Porta Cœli Foundation, the Foundation’s scientific committee and accredited selectors, with a specific mandate from the President of the Foundation, will oversee the selection phase. The members of the scientific committee and the selectors are identified under specific academic requirements and of several years of proven experience in the creative sector.
The selection will be made by examining the digital images of the works and by considering the material sent with the application form. The selection process will consider each artwork individually and not the entire subscription by an artist.
Therefore, the selectors can declare one or more of the artworks submitted as finalists. The selection will evaluate the digital
images received. The prize organisation staff may contact the artist in case further details are needed. The contact shall be attempted only at the phone number or e-mail address provided with the application form.

ARTICLE 7. Guest country
Porta Cœli Foundation, with the third edition of Mediterranean art prize, establishes an additional relationship tool useful for the purposes of the prize. Each edition of the prize will in fact see a specific focus on a Mediterranean country with the identification of a guest country. Once an international referent partner has been identified, it will be in charge of selecting the works of 10 artists representative of that country’s scene. The works will compete with the others for the award of the prize and may be part of the exhibition in an integrated manner or in a separate section. In this regard, Porta Cœli Foundation will be the guarantor of the impartiality of the judging committee and the absence of conflicts of interest. This initiative is necessary in order to further substantiate the connotation of the prize with targeted facilitated participations that allow a representation of the artistic phenomenon on the Mediterranean basin, with all the resulting benefits in terms of contributions to the debate and life of the artistic community convened at the finalists’ exhibition. The country identified for Map3 is Egypt, already the protagonist in the past months of the Italy-Egypt symposium that culminated in the Be—longing exhibition that took place at Monteserico Castle and later at Nile Gallery, Cairo. The designation of Egypt as the host country gives effect to the Porta Cœli Foundation’s intention to  strengthen artistic relations between the Italian and Egyptian art communities for the creation of opportunities that will benefit all prize participants. The Egyptian delegations have in the past few months carried out a journey of artistic commonality around the role of artists in generating forms of dwelling: the New Cairo that is currently under construction just a few kilometers from the historic city is to some extent the application of a series of modern urban planning discoveries that have seen important stages of elaboration in the Mediterranean art prize venues: the aforementioned Agrarian reform, the international workshop around the elaboration of the new city after the displacement of the Sassi of Matera, and the Matera Charter in which Pietro Consagra calls for the involvement of artists in the design of the city to prevent it from being understood as a mere technical fact.

ARTICLE 8. Exhibition spaces and dates
The finalist works of Mediterranean art prize will be exhibited in the prestigious Monteserico Castle (Municipality of Genzano di Lucania, province of Potenza — Italy). The castle is an absolutely fascinating and energetic place, far from the homogeneity and  neutrality of a common exhibition space. It has very ample square footage and a range of extremely varied settings useful to best contextualize the works according to their characteristics and to guarantee each of them adequate space for fruition and adequate opportunity to tap into the energy of the place. This is undoubtedly a place capable of enhancing the experience of art.
Visitors’ exploration of the castle – a rare opportunity for a monument that is not normally usable – will therefore naturally be accompanied by the exhibition layout curated in a calibrated way work by work, without clear category distinctions but rather seeking assonances and congruencies in the integrated itinerary.
The castle, aiming to become the center of a temporary cultural community, will also be the site of a wide range of events and visiting opportunities for the public, who will be able to experience the place at different times of the day and for several days in a row, with the possibility of meeting and dialoguing with the artists present.
The group exhibition of Mediterranean art prize finalists works will open on August 05, 2023 and close on August 13, 2023, unless extended. Each artist whose work will be declared a finalist will receive well in advance the detailed program of events with the appropriate logistical references and will possibly be accompanied in the different stages of planning their travel and stay.
The organization of Mediterranean art prize will provide any advice that will allow the participants and attendees to easily find accommodation in accordance with their expectations and has already developed agreements with public and private transportation services to set up shuttles to and from Genzano di Lucania, headquarters and reference place for overnight stays. A central element for the success of the prize is the attention paid to the creation of a community atmosphere among the attending artists, members of the jury, insiders and insiders, and local residents, with the provision of numerous moments of aggregation – to be weighed in relation to the progress of the pandemic situation – including seminars, concerts, guided tours of local villages and museums, and widespread moments of conviviality.

Timelines for the prize
— by June 25, 2023 preparation, regularization, and submission of the application in the manner outlined in Article 4;
— by June 30, 2023 notification of the results of the selection of finalist works;
— by July 20, 2023 arrival of the works at the logistics center indicated to each artist whose work was a finalist;
— August 05, 2023 opening of the exhibition of the finalist works and installation of the Jury;
— August 13, 2023 closing of the prize events and award ceremony.

ARTICLE 9. Categories and techniques
The art categories provided for the 2023 edition of Mediterranean art prize are:
— painting, illustration, chalcographic techniques The category includes works of a mainly two-dimensional nature using techniques such as, for example, oil, tempera, acrylic, pencil, charcoal, graphite, pastel, sanguine, drypoint, aquatint, etching, woodcut, assemblages, collage, mixed media. For illustrations, prints (e.g., screen printing, printing from monotypes, etc.), graphic design works (e.g., posters, typographic installations, etc., digital or analog), works resulting from totally or partially digital synthesis or calligraphic works, whether analog or digital, printed or screen, or artist’s books are allowed as long as they are in limited editions
or one copy only. Media of any nature such as, for example, board, canvas, panel, paper, cardboard or two-dimensional objects of
other nature are allowed. Polyptychs are allowed as a single work only if they collectively meet the maximum dimensions indicated
and are evidently composed of complementary parts. It is the artist’s right to provide specific technical tools of fruition (tables,
specific supports, music stands, tablets, smartphones, etc.) that are essential to the proper fruition of the work by agreeing this with the organization and/or the curator.
The maximum measurements allowed for the works, beyond the apparatus, are 150 cm base and 150 cm height.

— sculpture and installation
The category includes works of a primarily three-dimensional or environmental nature that employ any technique and any material
that allows them spatial articulation. They may possibly make use of sound, light, video, and mechanical or electrical movements, as long as the artist provides with the work each element necessary for its proper usability and functionality beyond what merely
competes with the exhibition space. In the case of installations it is necessary to provide detailed and precise indications for
their installation, which will be scrupulously observed within the limits of the possibilities offered by the space and the curatorial
requirements of contextualization operated in the interest of the work and the artist. It is possible to agree on the direct
intervention of the artist as long as it is in accordance with the technical and logistical conditions of the installation and under
the supervision of the curator.
The maximum measurements allowed are: for works to be set up in uncovered spaces (terraces,
courtyards, walkways on walls, etc.), base m 3, depth m 3, height m 3; for works to be set up in covered spaces, base m 1, depth m 1, height m 2.

— photography, video art, performance
The category includes works that, by their very nature, are the result of filming operations, retrieval, data transfer, documentation, or are otherwise produced by photographic or video, analog or digital instruments. Photographs may be printed on any medium (e.g., paper, cardboard, photo paper, cotton paper, aluminum, expanded polystyrene, etc.) and properly fitted with a hanger, with or without a passepartout, with or without a frame, as long as they are in suitable conditions of exposure, enjoyment, and preservation. Videos, within the limits of available technical and spatial conditions, may be projected in the room or shown on a special screen. Performances are allowed essentially in their form of photo or audiovisual documentation. It is the artist’s right to provide specific technical tools for fruition (for example: cathode ray tube televisions, projectors or specific projection screens, tablets and installation components, etc.) agreeing this with the organization and/or the curator.
The maximum dimensions allowed are 150 cm base and 150 cm height.

General Conditions
All works must be usefully prepared for installation. Otherwise the technical staff, with the supervision of the curator, will adapt
the work with the greatest possible respect for its integrity or, in cases of particular incompatibility, its exclusion. Without prejudice
to the practicability of any ground of confrontation with the artist useful for the identification of the conditions of best usability, this
is necessary to safeguard the integrity of the exhibition route as a guarantee for all the artists in the exhibition.
The works must have been created within the 5 years preceding the application. The selection process will be closed by June 30,
2023, unless an extraordinary extension is established by the Porta Cœli Foundation Board of Directors.
Also eligible to compete in each category are all those works that, starting from the cultural discourse proper to the specific
field, trespass in argued unforeseen and experimental directions. 
For example: sculpture may trespass into sound installations, environmental art, etc.; video art may include autonomous
and accomplished works that are the result of documenting happenings, performances, etc. The selection committee, at
the request of the artist and if specific conditions are met, will consider exceptions to the maximum sizes indicated.

ARTICLE 10. Secretariat fee
The Mediterranean contemporary art prize is promoted by the Porta Cœli Foundation, a non-profit organisation and sole
developer and implementer of all processes, which assumes, on its own and exclusively, all the responsibilities and the burdens
related to the initiative. The Porta Cœli Foundation will collect the secretariat fee (intended as a partial refund of secretariat
expenses) for each artwork submitted for participation to cover the overall costs partially.
Any income from contributions to secretariat fee and the collection of sponsorships will be used to realise the event and
make it freely accessible and widely attended. It will, therefore, not constitute in any way direct or indirect profit for the
Foundation, the staff employed staff or partners involved.
The secretariat fee varies according to the number of worksentered and is set as follows:
— € 50,00 for the first artwork
— € 25,00 for the second artwork;
— € 15,00 for each artwork after the second.
For art students who can prove that they are currently studying in an institution of art education through a certificate of enrolment,
the secretariat fee is as follows:
— € 25,00 for the first artwork;
— € 10,00 for each artwork after the first.
The secretariat fee must be paid at the same time as the application. When filling in the online form, the artist shall choose
whether to make the payment via PayPal or by paying the amount by bank transfer to the Porta Cœli Foundation according to the
instructions received by e-mail. 

In case of payment by bank transfer, the Foundation’s bank details are:
holder Porta Cœli Foundation
largo Dinardo, 1 — 85029
Venosa — Potenza — Italy
bank Banca Popolare di Bari
iban IT 88 I 05424 41970 000001015505
bic/swift BPBAIT3BXXX
The total secretariat fee (intended as secretariat expenses) is automatically calculated by the system and determined according
to the above rules.

Example #1
Non-student artist, 4 works submitted in any category.
first artwork € 50 +
second artwork € 25 +
artwork after the second one € 15 + artwork beyond the second one € 15 = € 105,00
Example #2
Student artist, 3 works submitted in any category.
first artwork € 25 + artwork after the first one € 10 + artwork beyond the first one € 10 = € 45,00

The secretariat fee to participate in the selection process allows the finalist artist to have the following services during the
exhibition event of the Mediterranean contemporary art prize 2021:
— exhibition space for the finalist works;
— organisational secretariat available at all stages of the prize;
— storage, unpacking, setting up and dismantling of the finalist
— security service and cleaning of the set-up spaces;
— civil liability insurance on the artist;
— free copy of the catalogue;
— certificate of participation;
— press review in digital format;
— preferential rates with hotels and restaurants reserved for
participating artists and reserved for participating artists and their
families and/or accompanying persons;
— photographic and video documentation of the event. 

ARTICLE 11. Sponsor
Mediterranean contemporary art prize welcomes sponsorship initiatives aimed at enabling groups of artists to participate in the prize with the financial support of third parties to cover part or all of the entry costs. The artist will look for possible sponsors independently. In the case of participations with sponsors, the artist shall communicate the relevant details promptly. By policy, the Porta Cœli Foundation doesn’t accept sponsorships coming from companies or subjects active in producing and selling weapons or
products and services of dubious ethics. The name of each sponsor will be listed in the official prize catalogue. Therefore, sponsored artists must provide the necessary details of the sponsor (company name and website) to the secretariat of the prize. 

ARTICLE 12. Delivery of works
The finalists’ artworks must be received by the deadline set out in Article 7 at the following address:
Porta Cœli Foundation / Centro ricezione opere
c/o Associazione Pro Loco
viale I Maggio snc
Filiano — Potenza — IT 85020
It is up to the artist to have the works delivered or handed in directly to the address indicated. Any delays to the deadline may
cause problems in the planned installation. In this respect, the Porta Cœli Foundation will not assume any responsibility. All
artworks received or handed at the collection and storage centre by the deadline of 20 August 2021 will be transferred to the
exhibition spaces and set up by the prize staff. Where technically possible, artworks that have been selected but not received at
the mentioned address may be handled by the artists or their delegates directly to the exhibition venue in agreement with the organisers. The costs of delivery and return, as well as any customs charges, shall be borne exclusively by the artist or by any
sponsor who intervenes in support of the artist.

ARTICLE 13. Dismantling
At the end of the exhibition, the Porta Cœli Foundation staff will dismantle the exhibition. Within 24 hours from the closure
of the exhibition, each artist, either directly or through a logistics operator, collect their works. After the expiry of the 24
hours, the unclaimed artworks will be kept by the Foundation and made available for collection for an additional ten days.
Artworks not collected within this period, upon specific indication of the artist, may be acquired by the Porta Cœli Foundation as a liberal legacy. 

ARTICLE 14. Responsibility
The Porta Cœli Foundation, promoter of the Mediterranean art prize, will not be responsible for any damage that may arise, directly or indirectly, from actions carried out by one or more artists participating in the prize or non-compliance with the regulations. In particular, the Porta Cœli Foundation disclaims all responsibility for any damage to the artworks during shipment to the collection centre or in the case of damage resulting from improper packaging. Each artist is responsible for his or her artwork and behaviour during the exhibition. More specifically, the artists release the Porta Cœli Foundation from any responsibility problems that may
arise about the authenticity, origin and value of the artworks exhibited and from any obligation of commercial, administrative
and/or fiscal obligations. The security service will be guaranteed in the exhibition venues; however, the Porta Cœli Foundation
will not be responsible for any theft or damage that may occur. Each artist is responsible for his or her work and behaviour during the exhibition. 

ARTICLE 15. Photographs and reproduction
The Porta Cœli Foundation shall be entitled to acquire, directly or through authorised third parties, images and videos of the
exhibited artworks. The pictures received may be used for promotion and/or information through the media and social

ARTICLE 16. Warnings
Artists are forbidden to remove the works and take them off the venues during the exhibition. It is also forbidden to
start dismantling operations before the exhibition closes. The prize organisation must authorise any such requirements.
Any withdrawal of the work during the exhibition shall be tantamount to the artist’s withdrawal from the prize. The stay in
the exhibition spaces of the artists, which is highly appreciated, will be allowed only within the opening hours of the exhibition

ARTICLE 17. Acceptance of terms and conditions and general provisions
This call constitutes the rules and the agreement between the participant and the Porta Cœli Foundation, the prize’s
organiser. By submitting his/her application, the artist accepts the conditions set out in this document. However, the Porta
Cœli Foundation has the right to introduce modifications or new provisions derogating from the present call if necessary to
improve the initiative. 
The Porta Cœli Foundation is entitled to exclude any artwork containing implicit or explicit messages damaging the
Foundation’s image. The exclusion will happen if the artwork is harmful to the universal principles of equality, respect of
minorities and religious sensibilities and individuals’ fundamental rights in general. In case of non-compliance with the indicated
regulations, Porta Cœli Foundation will be free to cancel this agreement with the artist. Porta Cœli Foundation’s right to
cancellation includes artists’ behaviours against European/Italian laws or ethics.
The Porta Cœli Foundation is entitled to modify the date and/or time and/or the exhibition spaces due to force majeure. In
case the kermis cancelled due to force majeure, artists will have the right to fee refund without interests. Moreover, deposited participation fees will not be refunded by The Porta Cœli Foundation if the exhibition is closed ahead of time or temporarily interrupted due to unpredictable events or force majeure. 

ARTICLE 18. Controversies
This call is written in Italian and translated into English. Any dispute deriving from a different interpretation of this document shall be resolved referring to the original Italian version of the same and exclusively submitted to the competent Court in Potenza — Italy.

ARTICLE 19. Contact
Porta Cœli Foundation
Segreteria organizzativa / Organising secretariat
Mediterranean art prize
Palazzo Rapolla, largo Dinardo n.1
Venosa — Potenza — IT
+39 0972 36 434
+39 348 582 9789