/ Italia

Assenza, 2023

Assenza, 2023
tecnica mista su tavola
cm 45 × 45 cad.

pittura e illustrazione
secondo premio

Un’opera in quattro piccole tavole carica di derive, sogni, ricordi, rêverie, rimorsi e rimossi. Al limite dell’assenza di soggetto (uno dei quattro quadrati sembra vuoto), la superficie del dipinto è un campo in cui l’artista compie rituali senza grammatica, inseguendo un intuito o una speranza: brucia, strappa, traccia, incolla, cancella senza una meta, senza l’ansia di conseguire un risultato. 

Serena Lobosco (1989) was born in Polla (Salerno). She holds a degree in Painting from the Academy of fine arts in Florence and a degree in Artistic heritage communication from the Albertina Academy in Turin. She recognizes herself essentially as a figurative painter, especially on board. But this should not lead us to believe that she is a traditionalist: her aptitude for working in restless and intermingled layers, makes her employ a multiplicity of techniques (oil, pastel, graphite, collage) and even of disciplines (photography, video, environmental installation). She has exhibited at Paratissima and Mau (Turin) and at the Ilja Repin Academy (St. Petersburg), among other venues. She won the Basquiat prize as part of the Il Segno award (Ferrara 2014). At Map3 he presents Assenza (Absence): a work in four small boards charged with drifts, dreams, memories, rêverie, remorse and undoing. At the edge of subjectlessness (one of the four squares seems empty), the surface of the painting is a field in which the artist performs rituals without grammar, chasing an intuition or a hope: she burns, tears, traces, pastes, erases without a goal, without the anxiety of achieving a result.